September 18, 2007

Green while it's still here.

Our weather here is day in the 80s and the next, in the 50s. That's fall in the Rocky Mountains. Today was a nice day, in the 70s so we had Andrew outside, playing with the ball he learned to kick.


Jenn said...

That grass is SO green and looks really thick. When it's nice out, I love to play barefoot in my back yard. Looks like he's having a BALL!

Michelle said...

i really like the second one! the DOF is awesome and his expression is priceless. our weather is wonky too...the kids are enjoying it while they can.

Sue said...

That looks luschious! (I don't know how to spell...) Beautiful green and cute model ;)

cherie said...

how cute he looks so happy!!!!love his cute little bare feet!

Jaime said...

Awww!! what adorable shots! how were you down so low with that preggo belly?!

Erika said...

Love that green, and the fact that he's learning how to kick the ball!

Lipglossiping said...

love #2! Great shots, would make a fab storyboard!

amazing grace said...

that last one is so cute! his smile is contagious!


Tera Fraley said...

Great shots!! HEs such a cutie, love him playing in the grass. The grass is so green!!

Deb said...

I love the DOF on these and your grass is so green. I can't say the same for ours.

bprincephoto said...

Those are super cute. I love the one with the ball. Great scale there.

Tori said...

These are SO great! I love the colors in them. I'm totally loving the green grass.... oh how I wish we had green grass here instead of rocks! BTW.... I LOVE your banner! He's such a cutie!

Erika said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog...we are in AZ! And yes her shirt is blinding! :) I was in a hurry before it was too dark to shoot and over-exposed some of I'm using Nichole Van's actions and still trying to get the hang of them! THanks again!

Cindi Koceich said...

That is one happy baby! You did a great job with your color. I know that's hard with all that green!

Lorrie said...

great shots. the grass is so green!
sounds like out weather here in VA, one day cool, one day hot! ugh!

robin said...

I see a future soccer player here! Our weather is the same way! Enjoy it while you can, although I know you like the winter weather, too. Great color here and angles. How do you take those ground level shots - are you actually setting your camera on the ground?