Let me first answer just a couple questions.... I finished my Penguin cards and am now just waiting for my photos to send them off. If you've never tried the online lab, WHCC (White House Custom Color, I HIGHLY recomend them.) They took about 5minutes a piece and I've made about 50. I used a 24-70L for the photo, sorry I forgot to include that info. Lastly, we still want a dog for the boys, but we will definitely wait until we get in a larger house (hopefully some time next year) because right now, our townhome is just too cozy.

I think I'm going to take a break from posting on the weekends-I just love the winter and am going to concentrate on getting out there, enjoying all the snow! At the moment, I'm trying to coax DH to take me up to the mountians for a little snowmobiling fun...we'll see. So, I'm considering this my post for both Friday and Saturday. This is one of my favorite things to help others focus. My PEZ dispensers work wonders with kiddos. You just shave a little off the bottom and insert it into your hotshoe (when the flash is not attached of course) Then, when the child (or adult) cooperates, you can give them a PEZ. I think I have about 10 and switch them around accordingly. Talk about great conversation starters too if you have a very shy subject.

We are transfering Nate into a crib on February 1st and putting him in the nursery with Andrew. I will miss him being in the room with us, but they must grow up (at least that is what I keep telling myself.) My SIL let us borrow a cradle, so he's been in that since birth and yesterday, I put up a mobile to help him focus on something other than a ceiling, as captivating as that must be. It was so cute watching him look at the different characters circling around his head that I had to try to get a shot. I got shots from different angles and then, realized that I could see his little face in the mirror of the toy. I decided to focus on something a bit different and got this picture, what do you think?
I've heard about the pez thing - I should try that and see what happens.
As for the getting your kid out of your room - I am SOOOOO bad at that. I totally admire everybody who does it with no problem.
I haven't ever heard of the pez thing. That is such a great idea!
These are some great pictures. I love pez, I had a friend growing up who had a whole city made out of pez, and he had every dispenser that was made. The second shot is really nicely done, I love the choice of dof, it really draws me into the face.
The pez photo i so crisp and cool. Also love the mirror photo
Love your pez - Nemo! And your little guy is so sweet! Love how you captured his face in the mirrow. I was sad too when Matthew moved out of our room (my dad built Abby a craddle that Matt also used). I felt so lonely when he went into his own big boy room. I missed hearing him breath and sigh the most.
OMGosh love the photo of his little face in the mirror, it is a really great perspective!
The pez idea is a really good one, think I can bribe my 13 year old boy with that? LOL
Just love the baby shot in the mirror - it is so creative!
That mirror picture is just spectacular!
Love that reflection shot. Great angle, and colors.
wow! cool shot!!!!!!
and the light is amazing!
I need to try the pez trick, it would be a great icebreaker for kids...especially if you could find out their fave character...and I love the mirror shot. Enjoy your weekends!
I think the crib picture is precious. I hear ya sister on the weekend off thing. I just cant seem to get my butt out of this computer chair! I have heard of the pez idea and tried it about a month ago. It really does work. Toni
You are so creative. what a great idea. Super cute shots.
The last photo of your little guy in the mirror is so cute! Have fun in the mountains if you go! I so wish I lived there! I am trying talk my husband into a Colorado trip this summer. I took just my daughter last year and we had such a wonderful time!
Love that reflection of your sweetie. I really miss those days, mine are all teenagers now - It goes so fast.
I love this shot of Nate in the mirror! Great way to use a tricky angle. And, I've seen the Pez work wonders--ChicPea did a shoot with my DGDs and even got the notorious Miss E. to smile using the Pez
I love the pez thing- it totally works!
And I also love the unique perspective of baby N... and how he is gazing to lovingly at his mommy! Awwww....
rock on!! Pez is the coolest :D Love the focus of your second photo, his sweet little hand in the background is just precious!
It's perfect. Just absolutely perfect. Your captures are just so emotional to me. My heart literally skips a beat with each one.
Love the photo of him in the mirror. Neat idea with the pez
Thanks for the reminder about the Pez. I've heard of that, but haven't used it yet.
Love the picture of Nate. Great shot of his reflection.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend enjoying some winter fun!
Oh I love that shot of him. Great focus. I had heard the pez idea before, thanks for reminding me!
Cute pez and very cool mirror pic.
I love pic #2 - that looks wonderful!
beautiful photo! and what a great idea with the pez dispensers... very fun!
I LOVE the mirror picture! he's so darn cute... beautiful focus! :)
Love that Peez!!! I want one!
wow, that is a great idea about the pez. I will for sure remember that one. Love the mirror. I will miss your posts this weekend, but I do hope that you enjoy yourself.
i love the pez idea!!!
Oh, and I was wondering about WHCC! Thanks for the info!
Oooh, that mirror photo is awesome! Looks like it should be in a magazine. Have a fun weekend!
Love that Pez. C has a collection of about 300 of them (started when he was about 3 and stopped when he was about 11). He even have custom made display cases for them....though he's told us when we move we can just shove them into a box, no sweat. I think he's over them, don't you? I should definitely shoot a few of them, thanks for the inspiration! Sounds like your family is in for a bit of change, it's hard to believe it's already time for your boys to start sharing a room, time sure does fly! Oh, and I love your pup photos from yesterday, what a gorgeous dog!
Thanks for the info on your lens. It just really helps a newbie like me out to get more of a sense of what is used to produce such awesome pics as yours. The color of the pez dispenser is so brilliant! and what a good idea for little kids!
I neeeeed to try the pez thing, I keep forgetting about it! Sheesh, thanks for the reminder!
Who would have thought a Pez could do that. My kids love Pez dispensers. That is an awesome shot of Nate in the mirror. What a cutie.
That is a super idea! I have never heard of that, but it does make sense. Good luck with the crib transfer! I hope it goes well. I love the angle of the second shot.
OH I LOVE THAT SECOND PIC! You told me about the pez thing a while ago and I still have yet to try it. I am doing it today as long as the light allows me to.
those are cute pictures..that's really great dof on the pez. that's a great idea too, to put it on your camera..i'll have to try that.
Love the pez dispenser! I might have to give that one a try! I also love the perspective of the second shot... very cool!
That second picture is great!! I love the focus!! I had a link saved on 2peas of someone who posted the pez idea, although Ive never tried it!! Too neat!! (And I just got ds one for his bday wonder if it will work?)
ahhh...what a sweet photo. I love the idea of the mirror. Great focus! =)
Your photos are always so PERFECT. Love everything about them!
Absolutely love the mirror shot! So precious and they only stay that way for a short period of time...great capture!!!
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