Mr. Personality!
Look eyes are OPEN! That's right...not only open, but totally smiling! Oh, how I had forgotten how much I love it when they start to interact and focus. It makes me feel connected. There is not a whole lot in life better than a happy, smiling baby. Before he was ever born, I prayed that he would be our little firecracker, full of happiness and joy and so's a prayer that seems to be completely answered.5d, 85mm, Ap 3.2, ISO 400, SS 160.
Oh Heather...these are the most precious photos I've ever seen in my entire life. They melt my heart (whatever is left of it from the last shots of little N!). Thank you so much for sharing these!
awwww SO DARLING! beautiful pictures. :)
I love how the smile gets bigger and bigger as you scroll down the page! What a ham!!
Oh my jsut doesn't get any better than this!
Oh those are the sweetest photos! Especially the one where he is "winking"
He is SO cute! These photos just scream personality! What a ham!!
those are so precious! he looks like he is truly enjoying the interactionw ith his momma. that last one is my favorite of all your photos--ever! beautiful job.
(Yep...we know the day. The day we found out we were pregnant we also found out we had lost his twin. He's my angel...and has a big enough personality for BOTH of them!)
awwwwww, so clear and focused. I would love to see one of them in color.
Oh my goodness... he just gets cuter and cuter! I love the progression you show here, from simply alert to full-on grinning! He has officially melted me... I am a puddle... ;c)
LOL he sure does have a personality! My favorite is the last one ... its like he's saying "rock on"
Those are great!! I absolutely love the "wink"!!
These are precious!! Alteast he likes the hat today. Love the grin!!
Aww. These are so sweet, I started to get teary and called over DH. He immediately sensed trouble and quipped, "that font is itching his face" and walked away. It totally worked, I am now LOL. Men!
But seriously, Heather- these pictures of Nate are precious.
Too Cute!
He is sooooo precious! I hope to capture my baby at some point--but he's just too fast right now. You've given me some ideas...
Oh that so makes me baby hungry. Very cute
Oh my, he is soooo cute, Heather. What a sweet little personality, he is a charmer. I love the one where it looks like he is winking, and of course the big smile on the last one. How is big brother getting along with little N?
Heather - these are so adorable! What a terrific smile! I miss those days!
OMG, what a doll! I absolutely love the winking one. They are all so precious though!
OMG, Precious! Love that wink, but all are perfect!
These are so wonderful! You caught some great shots of his personality!
oh oh oh..Its like a journey of neverending smiles, these are simply wonderful,i bet you are so happy with them, i love your photos, great great job!
I was truly LOL when I saw these! It's like I was right there with you looking at him! He's quite the cute baby Heather! Good job! ;)
Oh my, those are absolutely wonderful! What a treasure you have. I just love them. What I wonder is where do you put all your photos? If I took pictures this good I would want to display each and every one of them!
HA! Those rock! What a cutie pie!
oh, to die for!! Love the progression from top to bott0m... (and great hat. But if ya remember me from 2Peas, you'll know I'm a sucker for hats!!)
My LO *just* started smiling. I'm gonna try to imitate your idea!
THESE ARE AWESOME! I was going...Ok no._ is my favorite and then I realized I couldn't pic cause they all rock...Those last two just made me giggle out loud though!
Ok Heather, more guysing about this adorable little guy. You sure seem to have a corner on the market of cute little ones, between A and N. I just LOVE the 3rd one, with that small, whimsical smile. He looks like he is brewing some mischief. Nice work on these, although he looks like he is becoming very people-oriented.
These photos warm the heart! And you are right, so full of personality. I love your conversions on these and the composition. I guess he is a keeper. :-)
These are the best pictures!!! He is just adorable.
he has the best expresssions, Heather. What a doll!
these put a smile on my face and made my day!!!! so cute .
OMGosh I can almost hear that adorable baby laugh just looking at these pictures. He is too cute for words!
I really love the progression of your photos. I kept looking at each one thinking "Oh that one is the cutest" then I would scroll down and see the next one and think the same thing.
Great job!
Seriously? How stinkin' cute are these pics? Great job. Love the hat.
He is so amazingly precious! And it looks as though he's full of personality, too! Wonderful shots!
so so cute..great pictures!
I love your work...photographic and reproductive ;-)
I LOVE HIM! What a crack up he is going to be. Those have to be some of the best baby photos I have seen. Awesome shots
Oh holy sweetness! Look at that smile!! The pics are fabulous!
As I scrolled down they got better and better. He is adorable.
Oh my gosh, what an adorable little man you have there!! I know you already know that, but still. I don't think I'd be able to do anything but hold and cuddle him all day! :)
Oh. My. Goodness. What a cutie pie!
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