These will have to do
**sigh** I really wanted to get a shot with BOTH boys in it, but that's just too much to ask right now. Everytime I would put them together, A would either try and bop N on the head, or N would cry because he was uncomfortable. It was just NOT working, so I decided to snap a few individual shots so I could keep my sanity. I used props of course. Thank GOD for the Target $1 spot, it's terrific. I got this lollipop and bear there, one for each boy. The pink background is a blanket I found on a great clearance at Pier 1.

Oh my goodness, you have the most adorable boys!!!! Little Nathan is soooooo cute, and Andrew is too and loving that sucker!! We're planning to do the sucker thing too, but like you, they'll probably be separate photos too- haha!
Oh, I especially love the 3rd and last! Great way to eat a sucker!
These are adorable Heather!! Could that last one of N be any cuter?!
Too fun! Love the last two of A - what cute faces!!! LOL
And N is really showing his expressions a lot more these days - he's just sto stinkin' cute! Like his big brother!
Now I'm off to Target!
That last one was PERFECT! What a perfect smile to capture!!
These are all adorable...gosh I just love your stuff...can I be you when I "grow up"? Seriously. My favorite is the last sweet!
Im likin the third and the last... Hope you can get them together soon. I know its next to impossibe sometimes!
Great shots! lok at that sweet little baby smile in the last one. i could just smush him
These are soooo adorable! What cuties you have! Love the one of the older one devouring his lollipop and the younger ones' faces are just priceless! Great lighting too!
Oh so cute. i know it's so frustrating when you can't get the shots you wanted. But I bet you can come up with a cute storyboard with them!
awwww...that last shot is so sweet! love his huge smile!!! that makes me smile!
I just love the expressions. I can't get over them...both of them are so CHEARY! I love it. They are so kissable. I don't know how you stand it.
that's a whole lotta cute right there!
Those are so adorable! Both boys have such cute expressions. Love the way he's enjoying that lollipop!
Way too cute!!! Like hem all, LOVE the last one!
Adorable! I love the determination A shows in the 3rd photo. And N is too cute for words!
So cute, Heather! That last shot of N is adorable. What a sweet smile! A is loving that sucker!!
Oh my gosh, I can't pick a favorite. Holy cow are your kids cute.
these are so cute! definitely worth the time and patience you put into them. A looks like he was really grooving on that sucker! and little N just gets cuter everyday. great job!
AWWWWWWWW, these are darling!!! Those are the sweetest smiles in the last three!!
Oh my how adorable. Love the last one. but they are all great
The art of getting two young boys in teh same shot. I don't know how some people do it!
I am very impressed with these. LOVE the expressions on their faces. Nice work.
I think these are adorable!!! Little Nate's OPEN mouth is too precious for words, and Drew looks like he is LOVING that lolli! What a ham!
Oh... to answer your question on my blog, the font is called "The King and Queen's font". I believe I got it from for free. :c) And THANK YOU for always leaving me such sweet comments! You made my day!
Little A looks like he is enjoying that sucker and baby N OMG did you ask him to smile and pose for the camera
I have got to find one of those suckers. I love these shots! Your boys are adorable.
The 3rd picture makes me laugh. It's like he's trying to inhale that lollipop. too cute! It's doubtful I will attempt to do V'day shots. I think yours turned out great!
i've been trying to get some v-day shots. need to try some bribes next ;-)
i just love how he's going to town eating away at that lollipop! very cute!
and your baby is absolutely adorable!
Heather these are sooooooo cute....I can't believe how big Nathan is already! Look at that smile...what a cutie....
The lollipop ones are so funny...he looks like he's definitely enjoying it!
Your boys are so precious! Love that pink blanket!
sooo cute! I completely understand trying to get two to pose together... doesn't ever work for me. but, we just keep trying right?!
Those are too cute!! Love the sucker!! And the look on little Ns face, adorable!!
Heather, they're so darn CUTE! I love all of these. I hear ya on the not getting them together thing. I's nearly impossible around here, too.
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