January 3, 2008

Think he's giving me a hint?

I believe it's more like an obvious sign.


Becky said...

He is definitely trying to tell you something. I love all your photos...you have such a talent.

me said...

What a face! WOnderful picture

HC said...

LOL ... Mommy I don't think he wants to wear a hat today! Gosh, he is getting so big. Time sure does fly by :)

flute4peace said...

Omigosh! That should be a stock photo. Seriously, can't you just see that on a greeting card???

Love the sledding pictures, too. Awesome shots.

Jessica said...

The title of your post made me laugh...what a great shot. Heather your focus is always exactly on, love it love it love it!

Unknown said...

Awww love it!!! He's a dolly!!!!

Did you change your banner....I like it as well!

cherie said...

another great shot !!! just love ytour style. he has grown so much already, and doe snot look like he wants anything to do with that hat.

Kristi said...

This melts my heart! I'm going to go talk to my husband about getting pregnant right this second... :P

Anonymous said...

Ok that is adorable! He is definately trying to tell you something!

Michelle said...

LOL! he is definitely saying something! hmm...maybe not a lover of hats? haha! love what you caught here!

Kristen said...

Too, too cute. Love everything about it!

Anita said...

ohh poor little guy! hehe I love your stuff Heather! you are super talented!

Yvonne said...

What an amazing picture! This must be where the saying: "A picture tells more than thousand words" comes from!

pat said...

LOL! Oh, it starts early! He's still cute!

Katie said...

That is hillarious...and what a mean ole mommy to take the picture anyways...haha..just kiddin...

I can't believe how big he is...!

Tomboymama said...

Aw... priceless! That hat is great too. Your kids' spouses are going to love you for all of these great photos. Almost makes me want another baby :-).

Tera Fraley said...

How adorable!! I need a little model to wear hats, my 3yr old just isnt cutting it!! Thats precious!

--sme said...

Poor guy! What a great capture....you'll treasure this for years!

Angela2932 said...

Awwwwww!! What did you DO to him???? (Can we just cuddle him for awhile for you?) What a heart-melting photo!

Heather Taylor Photography said...

ohhh, poor baby!!! That hat sure is adorable though!

robin said...

I'd say you better give the hat a try on another day! I bet he'll get a chuckle from this shot in a few years. Great lighting.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Great capture! He sure is peeved about something eh? That is a cute hat. Is it cordoroy (?sp).

robin said...

Oh, and yes, great minds do think alike! :)

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to see a new pic of the baby. Even crying he is adorable. I so want a grandbaby.

Amy said...

The message he is sending is coming through loud and clear! Great photo!

Danielle said...

love it that was so my dd today only she kept hiding her face.

Deb said...

gee, don't think he wants to wear that hat... but this photo is just incredible, as your pictures always are :) He sure is getting big.

Melissa said...

Poor kid! But such a cutie. Great capture.

Val said...

OMG! So funny. Great shot

Reds said...

Oh so cute!!! He is not a happy camper!! ;)

Mandy said...

So adorable...even when he is crying!

Tori said...

LOL! I love it! Even though he's crying... it's still a beautiful picture! And I love the picture in your new banner!

Anonymous said...

love it! and you're right.... not every shot has to be smiling! :)

Anonymous said...

super darling. love his little cap!

Margaret said...

Heather! That is soooo cute! Not a hat guy, apparently.:)

bvb said...

Finally, a true to life photo :-) Love it.

Ginnie said...

ha, this picture makes me smile. Great job!

Ashley Hiskes said...

First - 37 comments before me. Holy cow!
He is just so cute. Does he know he needs to just get use to this. LOL

Tasha said...

I'm trying to tell you something too: Good freaking job, he's AOREABLE!

Sharon said...

Aww, the poor baby must be allergic to corduroy! ;)

Great shot.