We decided we just needed out of the house for a little R&R. I get the cooped-up feeling a lot. In fact...we are looking at bigger homes as we speak. It's time to move and I could not be more excited. I digress... I was not even going to bring my camera for it's noon and FULL sun, and Colorado full sun is like 1000 times worse than anywhere else in the country (or so it seems) I then realized it would be a good challenge for me. I was not about to tote around a reflector or worry about any of that, I just wanted to have fun. Sometimes it is good to force that perfectionist inside to just be flexible.

Headed to the park. It's about 3 minutes from our house, the perfect little walk for the boys.

Just looking at these pics makes my hands soooo cold!

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. It was crisp yet nice and sunny.

I cannot believe it, but my MIL got in on the fun and some sledding of her own. Way to go mom!

Uncle "Wigglesworth" helping out.

Following the leader.


If you're going to have shadows, may as well have some fun...right?

We went to the playground afterward. You have to look at her boots...what was she thinking? They are actually high-heeled. Definitely not the "right" boots to wear for sledding. Definitely marching to the beat of a different drummer. I therefore dub this photo as "IRONIC" and that is my word for today.
Great pictures and what an amazing place you life! I would love some snow here!
Wow, that blue sky is amazing... I love love #6 and the last one with those killer heels is too funny!
That last show on swing is hilarious! How fun to be able to enjoy the snow like that. Love the beautiful sky!
These are fantastic. I really love the one called "following the leader" Great angle
LOVE the last shot, it made me chuckle. Great pictures over all glad you got to go out and enjoy the snow.
That last photo is GREAT!!! Looks like you perfected shooting in full sun! The boys (all of them ) look like they were having a ton of fun!!
Looks like you had a fun day. Love those heels.
what fun shots!!!!!
These are great (as always!) I love that Gram got in on the fun! And that last one with the boots is funny...my friend and I call it "stupid shoes" when we wear something inappropriate for the terrain or weather.
Fantastic shots. I have a really difficult time in full sun and glare myself. I think the swinging shot is my fav. People swinging always brings something so warm to my heart and you got great focus on the shot.
You all must really enjoy the snow... I love the swing picture!
These are great!
Great pictures, I love the contrast of the blue sky and white snow!! Great job, and those boots?! crazy!!
Hee hee hee! LOVE the boots--what a hoot! And Heather--I laugh everytime I open your blog and see that header photo. SOOOOOO cute.
I think you did a great job shooting in full sun! I laughed out loud at the last photo! As my DD would say "you gotta be fashionable" no matter what LOL!
These are great! Looks like you're doing a great job of shooting in full sun! Love the last one... too funnyy!
Wow, love all of these photos. Make me want to go sledding :) Love that last one and her boots...crazy girl, but cool photo!
Gosh I wish my photos looked half as good as yours...you always do an amazing job and I LOVE the photo of you SIL on the swing!!!
The boots are hillarious...definitely not the "moon boots" we always wore when we went sledding!
Looks like a lot of fun! I'm such a freeze baby I don't know if I could handle it for more than 10 minutes.
i love this series! the blue of that sky is incredible. and your swing shot is fantastic...heels and all! lol!
Looks like even Grandma had fun!
What a gorgeous day, could the sky BE any bluer?!? You've been so busy this week, so many pics posted. Love the one of the sky, clouds and snow from the other day, it's just beautiful!
We are doing the opposite of you, downsizing. This getting the house ready to sell thing is driving me nuts. We've been here 18 years and have so much STUFF, and so much work to do to get the house ready. I am looking forward to getting into a smaller house though, so it'll all be worth it (I hope). Good luck with your house hunting!
I couldn't even walk in those boots, let alone go to the park & then swing!
The pictures are great.
Great photos! I especially like the second and last ones.
Wow...you were totally up for the challenge!! These shots rock!
It is so good to see your work again. Have truely missed the awesome shots you pull off. These are great thanks for sharing.
Lot of great shots, particularly because of the perspective and the composition.
sto-ry-board! sto-ry-board!
(imagine me chanting this as I pound the desk for emphasis)
love that swing shot!
Looks like you all had so much fun! No snow here, just cold!
The last shot is so funny!
Oh wow what fun. Great captures!
These look like SO much fun! We can't seem to get enough snow here to do any good... just enough to be slushy. Ugh.
I love all of your shots and your narrative really makes it for me! That last shot is so funny and cool! I love what you did with the one you posted on 2peas. :c)
I love the boots, and that would be me. i dress inappropriately in winter all the time. Tell her i said rock on with her fashionable boots! :-)
very fun photos! love the last one... too funny that's what she chose to wear!
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