Built for Boyhood
Tonka is a very popular name in our household. When A was about 8months old, we bought him his first set of these little trucks. They are perfect for hand-holding, so he gravitated to them quickly. It got to the point when all other toys were neglected and he had to have his little trucks by him. I think he's got about 30+ now, including the Speed-n-go Funway to "race" them on. These are a sampling of the different sets. As I was lining them up to take a pic, he had a fit. What you don't see is that he's in the background, playing with about 15 already. He just can't stand not having one if he even catches a glimpse of it.

these are so cute!!
My little guys has these also. To be honest, I think it's me that loves them more! They are so cute & I giggle whenever I find them hidden throughout the house!
Those are the cutest trucks ever!!! We have a couple of the cars but that van...ADORABLE!!! The colors are so fantastic!!
And hey, feel feel to decorate my bathroom anytime! :) It's currently undecorated and could use a little inspiration! I might do the honey wash on all of them...would suit the bathroom colors nicely. I'm gonna attempt some more for the series tomorrow :)
I love these, they are so cute...
I've never seen those- we're more into the girly stuff around here, but I gotta tell ya, those are just simply adorable!! Love that last one- great dof!!
Aww! Those are so cute!!!
Yes, it's been SO cold here lately! If you drive thru here during the day, (assuming you'll be heading west, you'll see the Colorado National Monument on your left (south). It's like a miniature version of the Grand Canyon. I haven't been up there since it's snowed, but it's a beautiful drive. It takes about 45 min. to an hour to drive through it. Tons of great scenery!
How cute!! Those little trucks are adorable!! Love the colors and your DOF is great!!
Wow, YOur lighting is RIGHT ON!!!
cars don't you love them. As a mother of two boys the collection just grows and grows. We even have some of those.
We have those little cars & I love 'em. My favorite shot is the first one. As always, great job!
Those are adorable! My little guy needs a set. :0)
Those little trucks are so cute. Great colors and fun DOF too. TFS
Oh, so cute! LOve the POV and focus on that last shot.
Love all the colors in these photos! Great shots...the first one is my favorite!
I love the color in these shots.
So cute and colorful! My boys loved trucks when they were that age, too! Now my oldest can drive for real! Yikes!
aaaawwwwww! So sweet!
Yes, Tonkas are the best! My boys loved them, too. I kept some for each of them in their "keepsake box". These are very colorful shots with nice dof.
nice and bright and so CUTE!
Those trucks are too cute and your photos are wonderful.
I love these shots!! hehe
So cute!!! I couldn't help but smile looking at your pics!! Great macro!!
These are so cute and I can't believe I haven't seen them before.....but I'll have to get some for my nephew....I feel the need to buy him goodies all the time :)
Thanks for the comment on my blog - totally made my night!!
My nephew loves these trucks too! (He's 2). I think he has every one ever made, so I recognized all of yours! :c)
I love these shots... your DOF rocks!
Those are the cutest little trucks! And I just LOVE your shots from yesterday... good for you for getting out of your comfort zone! :)
I got those for my cousins twins, so cute! So was your room that light? you didn't use any extrernal lights? That's what's tripping me up I think.
love the colours in these! great shots!
These are so cute Heather and so colorful.
Love the bright colors! Those trucks are really cute, I've never seen them before.
I love the colors here. Those cars are so cute. I can see why you're fond of the van. It's extra cute. Sigh, my baby boy is dreaming of real trucks now. It was only yesterday he was playing with Tonka.
I love the color and DOF.
What FUN colors. I just love them.
great job...you are reminding me why I really MUST have the 24-70 L!!!
Very cute and so creative! I love the chubby looking cars!
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