I absolutely LOVE Colorado and all the scenic oppurtunities we have! I could spend an entire year just visiting different locations, trying to capture what I see in real life through a lens. I'm not a landscape photographer and am afraid I cannot give Colorado beauty, justice. I am wanting to really work on that this year and have been investigating ultra-wide lenses in order to get the vastness of the land. We were coming home and I looked out the window to see these. I quickly took the camera out of my bag, rolled down the window to take pictures. I wish I had had the time to actually get out of the car and take some more shots, but was pleased with what I got. After getting home and looking at the photos, I decided right then and there where I wanted to take my photography next. I don't even remember the settings I had on the camera, except that the ISO was left on 1000 from earlier in the day (I think?) I'm looking forward to studying and practicing more throughout the year. I have MUCH respect for those who do landscape photography, it is certainly an art all by itself.
GORGEOUS! WOW! I love your new banner BTW
Such a beautiful picture! I think you will give Colorado justice.
it's beautiful! I think it's a great shot!
Im jealous! Breathtaking, and I love the fence in the picture.
Heather all I can say is WOW!! Beautiful! It don't look like that here in Kansas LOL
We take for granted sometimes our beautiful surroundings. You just gotta stop sometimes and go "Ahhhhhhhhh"
You've captured the beauty of Colorado for sure!
MAGNIFICENT for sure!!! heather, i love this!!! that first one is gorgeous!!!!
I saw that first one earlier today but didn't want to comment in case it was your POTD! I'm glad I waited cause I got to see the second one...which I love even more! You are doing fabulously with your landscape images! They're really beautiful, Heather.
WOW that first shot is STUNNING! beauitful color! TFS!
Oh wow!! That first one, is great!! Breathtaking!
When I see something like that, I just sigh, almost with relief that there is SO much beauty in the world.
Wonderful, perfect photos Heather.
A beautiful picture - and incredibly amazing that you took them from a moving car! Terrific goal and focus for your photography journey!
That first photo IS magnificent. I know what you mean about landscapes. Even some of the most beautiful landscape can't compare to what our eyes really see.
That first one is AWESOME! Great job!
WOW...wow! That first one is breathtaking. Beautiful photos, I can't imagine what your photos will look like when you feel you are in your comfort zone :D These are stunning!
Magnificant alright. The first one is stunning. Thanks for the advice on my images yesterday. Had a play around last night using your suggestions.
Wow! That first one is so cool!
Amazingly beautiful, Heather! I love the colors! Colorado is a beautiful place and you captured it so well!
Heather, The pictures, of course are beautiful, but I really enjoyed your interpretation of what you were seeing. That is truly beautiful. I hope you are able to follow your dreams!
Heather--I gasped right out loud at #1--spectacular! Used to live in Denver, and I remember the awesome lightning storms. So much beauty all around in Colorado!
Great job! I love the colors in both pictures. Gosh, I would love to go to Colorado!!
Wow awesome photo.
These are breathtaking. Great colors.
these are beautiful! the color and composition of that first one is stunning. love how the fence line leads the eye in. great job!
I would love to do more landscapes too. You do them beautifully, can't wait to see more.
THAT is WHY I want to live there so badly!!!! Oh these photos are just beautiful...Oh how I miss it there!
Heather these are beautiful, so peaceful and serene. gorgeous!!!!!
Both are great, but I absolutely love that first one. We have the snow, but I don't remember seeing anything as beautiful as that sky here! Looks like you are well on your way to becoming a fabulous landscape photographer.
You're definitely capable of doing Colorado justice with your photography! These are beautiful!
I love the sunset in that first one. Just beautiful. I think that's a great goal to have. I feel the same way about Utah and can't wait for the weather to get better to get out more and take pictures. And the web site for the videos is signingtime.com. They are great and we just love them.
These are beautiful! What incredible color and clouds! How do you get any work done? I'd be so tempted to just LOOK all day at every around me in Colorado!
Magnificent is absolutely the word on that first one!
Wow. For a quick snapshot these are just beautiful pictures. They both capture the sky so differently. Love them!
That first shot is just gorgeous. You did a great job. My brother moved to Colorado 15 years ago and I have YET to get out there. Someday...
These are beautiful and I think you have a great start on the beautiful landscapes of Colorado. I love the colors of these, the orange seems to "glow" so warmly in contrast to the blues. Looking forward to seeing more photos of the new direction you are taking.
well i sure think you are doing a fantastic job! that first one is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
WOW WOW WOW! The sky looks like it's on fire in that first shot! Beautiful!
Wow stunning!! No such luck in getting landscape shots like that here in Ohio! ha! Beautiful... I think you have a gift for landscapes too!
oh wow I love that shot of the gorgeous sky with teh snow.
oh my... just exquisite... I'd buy that, and big!
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