My truth
I am the mom of 2 outstanding little people. They are the light of my life and are both at such fantastic stages in their lives. A is talking like crazy and exploring life around him in a very tangible way. N is smiling/cooing and such a breath of fresh air. Everyday is a new adventure, one I'm certain to remember. This Valentine's day I want to do something special for the boys in my life (DH included of course) because my love is definitely everlasting for my boys!Eeek! Pay no attention to my dirty fridge. Nothing like a macro view to bring out all the details-good and bad. Macro 100mm, 3200ISO, ap 5.6, SS 1/20.
Awwww! This is just to sweet.
Great photos. This made me want to start being on theme.
Heather A is sooo cute!! Love your words for the day too!!
Those photos are just priceless! I love them all!
Oh beautiful boys! Love those photos. Also love your word photo!
I love the new look of your site! He is so kissable that smiley boy of yours. He just always looks so happy!
Wonderful, Heather. Such sweet little men. Can't believe how much N is growing!!
gorgeous shots!
love the one by the window with that amazing smile !!your words on your fridge are cool toO!
That is SO SO wonderful. I am a bit teary reading your post. One this I have to say...I love your photos, but your boys ALWAYS look so happy. You must be the best and the most fun mom ever.
Great words for the day!! I played with words on the fridge today too!! Adorable boys too, love your photos :)
I love the whole sequence of photos. The ones above the words are of course beautiful, and then the words at the end top it off perfectly!
Ahhhhhhh!! So sweet!! Love your pics - adorable!!
Sooooo sweet! All the photos are just too cute, I want to eat them both up! In a totally good, non threatening way. ;)
LOVE the lighting on these, Heather - especially the first one! What a happy couple of boys you have there. A child's smile is the BEST!!
Very nice series of photos.
Good to see little 'N' pix again too!! He and his big brother are both just too cute for words!! Keep the pictures coming of both of them...I feel like a proud 'great Aunt' or something whenever I see them!! I'd miss them if you ever stopped (heaven forbid) sharing them!!!
My boys were 4 1/2 years apart and I thought I had my hands full!!
I just love that sweet little face!
really cute - love it!
(*I'm copying you*) ;)
This is such a beautiful journaling post. The pictures convey the feeling you wrote about. They are lucky to have such a loving mommma.
Beautiful Heather, love the light in that first pic
I love these... as well as your journaling... very sweet!
They are both so happy and adorable love these shots
So beautiful. Those shots are so adorable, and the "love is everlasting" fits so well!
Gosh they're adorable!! N is getting SO big!!!
I've never bought an action...usually like doing it myself...but i LOVE these!
such great photos, love your words too!! Great job!!
How stunning is the b and W shot of your baby? It is perfect. I love all these shots.
This is so sweet, Heather. I love the third photo of A looking out the window - his look is priceless. Great idea for words!
LOL. My photo for today is a magnet on my white (dirty) fridge too.
oh how cute..i love their adorable..and i can't even tell that your fridge is dirty..great pictures.
I loved the pictures, especially the last one "love is everlasting"... that sums it all up.
Aww that is so sweet. I think you are so hard on yourself. You notice every detail. Noone would have ever seen your fridge being dirty, but once I read that I had to go back and look! LOL
Awwww I love them all!
Oh you just gave me another idea for the theme this week! Your whites look GREAT (and your fridge is not dirty!!!)
Love them all, my fave is the one of him looking out the window.
Your boys are so cute. I love the picture of your oldest looking out the window. Great shots!
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